Prison Ministry Outreach

We are looking for men to join us in our prison ministry outreach at Walker State Prison in Rock Spring, Georgia. We have a few men already involved as mentors to specific men in the prison, but there is a need for more Catholic mentors. Can you make a commitment to visit one of the men at WSP twice each month? You may travel back and forth from the prison through carpool with our mentors and with other local men who serve as mentors.  If interested, you may contact Father Mark (706-841-1836) or Mr. Dick Crotteau ( 423-505-4602).

Items Needed for Tent Communities

Hot Meals Ministry is now collecting these items for the people in the tent communities: travel-size hygiene items/toiletries, body wipes, new socks, and underwear in various sizes for men and women, and large garbage bags. Any of these items may be left in the blue container in the church narthex.