Parish Support Needed

Prayerfully consider volunteering for the following opportunities to serve our parish: • Lectors (read at Mass) • Sacristans (set up before/clean up after Mass) • Altar servers (assist the priest during Mass) • Catechists (teach the faith to our children on Sundays during the school year) • Leader for the Women’s Fall Bible study in the evening or possibly a weekday morning None of the above positions require experience. However, the archdiocese requires a 3-hour training course (for adults only) in Safe Environment protocols. Once that training is completed, it is valid for five years.

Items Needed for Tent Communities

Hot Meals Ministry is now collecting these items for the people in the tent communities: travel-size hygiene items/toiletries, body wipes, new socks, and underwear in various sizes for men and women, and large garbage bags. Any of these items may be left in the blue container in the church narthex.