Parish Support Needed

Prayerfully consider volunteering for the following opportunities to serve our parish: • Lectors (read at Mass) • Sacristans (set up before/clean up after Mass) • Altar servers (assist the priest during Mass) • Catechists (teach the faith to our children on Sundays during the school year) • Leader for the Women’s Fall Bible study in the evening or possibly a weekday morning None of the above positions require experience. However, the archdiocese requires a 3-hour training course (for adults only) in Safe Environment protocols. Once that training is completed, it is valid for five years.

Prison Ministry Outreach

We are looking for men to join us in our prison ministry outreach at Walker State Prison in Rock Spring, Georgia. We have a few men already involved as mentors to specific men in the prison, but there is a need for more Catholic mentors. Can you make a commitment to visit one of the men at WSP twice each month? You may travel back and forth from the prison through carpool with our mentors and with other local men who serve as mentors.  If interested, you may contact Father Mark (706-841-1836) or Mr. Dick Crotteau ( 423-505-4602).

He Named Him Adam

Crunch Entertainment, the ex-Hollywood Catholic filmmakers who made the award-winning film, Father Ryan: A Higher Call (available on FORMED) for the Diocese of Knoxville, need your help to make the pro-life, faith-based movie, He Named Him Adam. Inspired by a true story of abortion regret and ultimate redemption through Christ, this film has the potential to change minds on the issue of abortion by changing hearts. Like the makers of Sound of Freedom and The Chosen, these filmmakers/parishioners of Sts. Peter & Paul Basilica are relying on crowdfunding supported by Christians who are committed to restoring our culture to a … Continue reading

Saturday Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

Mass is celebrated every Saturday at 8:30 a.m. in Our Lady of the Rosary Chapel followed by Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament from 9:00 a.m. until Benediction at 3:00 p.m. I have decided against having guardians responsible for specific time slots, however, it is my hope that many of you will feel called to be present at a certain time, at least on most Saturdays, for half an hour, or an hour, so that there will usually be someone in the chapel during the six hours of Exposition. When I was a seminarian in New Orleans (2009-2015), I received many … Continue reading

OLMCC Food Pantry Donations

Our non-perishable food donations box is now located in the side narthex in the blue container. Your donations help to keep the OLMCC food pantry stocked, enabling our parish to support Chattanooga area tent communities, anyone in need, and Dade County blessings boxes.We also accept financial donations to help support Hot Meals Ministry. Just write “Hot Meals” on the memo line if donating by check.

Silence Must Be Broken To Begin Healing – 24 Hour Abuse Reporting Hotline

If you or a loved one has been hurt or abused by a member of the clergy, an employee, or volunteer of the Archdiocese of Atlanta, we are here to listen and take action. Please contact our Office of Child and Youth Protection during business hours at 404-920-7550 or our Archdiocesan 24-hour Abuse Reporting line at 1-888-437-0764.  The silence must be broken for the healing to begin.